mie., 26 ian.
|Strada Frederic Joliot Curie
CREATIVE CUT redefineste modul in care formele, structurile si echilibrul se pot completa reciproc, avand ca scop stimularea creativitatii participantilor. CREATIVE CUT redefines how shapes, structures and balance can complement each other, aiming to stimulate participants' creativity.
Time and location
26 ian. 2022, 10:00 – 28 ian. 2022, 17:30
Strada Frederic Joliot Curie, Strada Frederic Joliot Curie, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Despre eveniment
RO: Venind ca o continuare fireasca a cursului Clasic | Tunsoare si a abilitatilor invatate in cadrul sau, cursantii vor avea la dispozitie experienta si deprinderile profesionale ale directorilor nostrii creativi. Pe parcusul a 3 zile, vom face o incursiune in modalitatile de realizare a unor lookuri moderne folosind o diversitate de tehnici, forme si styling-uri atipice.
- Deconexiuni in forma interna si externa
- Combinatii de tehnici si forme in scopuri creative
- Formele deconexiunilor
- Tehnici de finisare a formei
- Potrivirea tehnicii si a formei in functie de individ
- Tehnici de uscare a parului
- Consultanta,diagnoza si structura osoasa a capului
- Sesiuni teoretice, demonstrative si practice pe papusi / modele asigurate de noi
LECTOR: Adrian Pop, Director Creativ Tunsoare
EN: Coming as a natural continuation of the Classic course Haircuts and skills learned in it, students will have at their disposal the experience and professional skills of our creative directors. Over the course of 3 days, we will make a foray into the ways of creating modern looks using a variety of atypical techniques, shapes and stylings.
- Internal and external disconnections
- Combinations of techniques and forms for creative purposes
- The form of disconnections
- Form finishing techniques
- Hair drying technique
- Matching technique and shape to individual
- Theory, live demonstration and practical sessions
LECTOR: Adrian Pop, Creative Cut Director
Avans inscriere | Registration
Avansul pentru confirmarea inscrierii este in valoare de 30% din pretul cursului. Restul sumei poate fi achitat in numerar la academie in ziua inceperii cursului. The advance for confirming the registration is worth 30% of the course price. The rest of the amount can be paid in cash at the academy on the day of the course.
125,00 EUR+3,13 EUR service feeSale endedBilet intreg | Full Ticket
Acest bilet asigura participarea la modulul teoretic, demonstratiile lectorilor si produsele necesare modulului practic (acesta din urma realizandu-se pe modele asigurate de noi). Pauza de masa este, de asemenea, acoperita de noi, precum si cafea si gustari pe parcursul intregului seminar. This ticket ensures the participation in the theoretical module, the demonstrations of the lecturers and the products necessary for the practical module (the latter being made on models provided by us).
470,00 EUR+11,75 EUR service feeSale ended
0,00 EUR