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lun., 19 oct.


Strada Frederic Joliot Curie

Aprofundarea tehnicilor clasice fundamendale, imbinând demonstratii live, materiale teoretice si sesiuni practice unde participantii isi vor slefui abilitatile. Deepening the basic classical techniques, combining live demos, theoretical materials and practical sessions.

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Time and location

19 oct. 2020, 10:00 – 23 oct. 2020, 18:00

Strada Frederic Joliot Curie, Strada Frederic Joliot Curie, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Despre eveniment

RO: Cursul nostru Classic ofera o imagine de ansamblu asupra etapelor de realizare a unor tunsori clasice, punand in evidenta arhitectura chipului, creand un look fara efort - o abordare care respinge barierele timpului. Printr-o abordare tridimensionala: teorie, demonstratie si practica, vei vizualiza, invata si pune in practica tehnici clasice de tunsoare, luand in considerare 3 elemente cheie: estica, personalitate si functionalitate.


  • Tehnici fundamentale tunsoare: linie, treapta, graduare
  • Forme geometrice primare
  • Combinatii de tehnici si forme geometrice
  • Consultanta,diagnoza si structura osoasa a capului
  • Pozitia corecta a corpului
  • Potrivirea tehnicii si a formei in functie de individ
  • Tehnici de finisare a formei
  • Cunoasterea si folosirea corecta a produselor
  • Folosirea corecta a echipamentelor
  • Tehnici de uscare a parului
  • Sesiuni teoretice si demonstrative
  • Practica pe modele reale si pe papusi, asigurate de noi

Fiecare participant la curs primeste foarfeca Pop Academy

LECTOR: Adrian Pop, Director Creativ Tunsoare 

EN: Our Classic course provides an overview of the stages of making a classic haircut , highlighting the architecture of the face, creating an effortless look - an approach that rejects the barriers of time. Through a three-dimensional approach: theory, demonstration and practice, you will visualize, learn and put into practice classic haircut techniques, taking into account 3 key elements: aesthetics, personality and functionality.


  • Basic haircut techniques: line, step, graduation
  • Primary geometric shapes
  • Combinations of techniques and geometric shapes
  • Consulting, diagnosis and bone structure of the head
  • The correct position of the body
  • Matching technique and shape according to the individual
  • Shape finishing techniques
  • Knowledge and correct use of products
  • Proper use of equipment
  • Hair drying techniques
  • Theoretical and demonstration sessions
  • Practice on real models & manequins provided by us

LECTOR: Adrian Pop, Creative Director Haircut 


  • Avans inscriere | Registration

    RO: Avansul pentru confirmarea inscrierii este in valoare de 30% din pretul cursului. Restul sumei poate fi achitat in numerar la academie in ziua inceperii cursului. EN: The advance for confirming the registration is worth 30% of the course price. The rest of the amount can be paid in cash at the academy on the day of the course.

    150,00 EUR
    +3,75 EUR service fee
    Sale ended
  • Bilet intreg | Full ticket

    Acest bilet asigura participarea la modulul teoretic, demonstratiile lectorilor si produsele necesare modulului practic (acesta din urma realizandu-se pe modele si capete de papusi asigurate de noi). Pauza de masa este, de asemenea, acoperita de noi, precum si cafea si gustari pe parcursul intregului seminar.

    700,00 EUR
    +17,50 EUR service fee
    Sale ended


0,00 EUR

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